
Makai solves real-world operational and strategic challenges at scale using best-in-class AI, data and human-machine teaming.


Makai solves real-world operational and strategic challenges at scale using best-in-class AI, data and human-machine teaming.

AI Technologies

We leverage cutting-edge AI tech as part of our solutions

Rules-based knowledge systems

Computer Vision

Robotic process automation (RPA)

Live speech-to-text / audio processing

Natural language processing (NLP)

Multi-modal AI systems

Machine Learning & HAMNA

We utilize a HAMNA approach that enables AI models to optimize processes, solve complex problems, and make decisions based on data and experience.



Simple rule-based inference & matching



Advanced algorithm-based inference & matching


Machine Learning

Supervised learning based on validated historical patterns and matches ascertained from current data


Natural Language Processing

Advanced textual analysis & matching based on available data


Artificial Intelligence

Use AI/deep learning models for incremental performance gains atop machine learning approaches

Streamline your
business operations.

Find out how you can cut processing time and manual work by 80%.

Streamline your
business operations.

Find out how you can cut processing time and manual work by 80%.

Streamline your
business operations.

Find out how you can cut processing time and manual work by 80%.